Основные нормативно-правовые акты, входящие в СПС WBL
- Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Part XIII. General.
- Duties, Taxes and Other Payments (Exemption) Act
- Estate Duty (Waiver) Act
- Excise Tax Act
- Income Tax Act
- Insurance Act. Part III. Associations of Underwriters.
- International Business Companies Act
- Land Tax Act
- Land Tax Validation Act
- Land Valuation and Land Tax (Validation) Act
- National Insurance and Social Security Act
- Petroleum Winning Operations Taxation Act
- Property Transfer Tax Act
- Provisional Collection of Taxes Act
- Retail Sales Tax Act
- Stamp Duty Act
- Tax on Remittances Act
- Technical Assistance (Taxation Relief) Act
- Value Added Tax Act.