Gibraltar (Гибралтар)
Основные нормативно-правовые акты, входящие в СПС WBL
- Companies (Taxation and Concessions) Act
- Income tax act, 2010
- Social Security (Insurance) Act
- Social Security (Non-Contributory Benefits and Unemployment Insurance) Act
- Stamp Duties Act, 2005
- Taxation (Mutual administrative assistance) Act 2014
- Taxation (Savings Income) Act, 2004
- Cooperation between Asset Recovery Offices Regulations 2014
- Exchange of Information and Intelligence between European Law Enforcement Authorities Regulations 2014
- Experienced Investor Funds (Fees) Regulations 2010
- Financial Services (Pensions) Regulations 2017
- Government Debentures (Exemption From Income Tax) Regulations, 1988
- Imports and Exports (Temporary Importation of Vehicles) Regulations, 1985
- Income Tax (Pay As You Earn) Regulations, 1989
- Income Tax (Savings Income) (United Kingdom) Regulations, 2006
- Insurance Companies (Licence Fees) Regulations, 2010
- Insurance Companies (Licensing Application) Regulations, 1990
- Savings Bank (Bonds and Debentures) (Exemption) Regulations, 1991
- Savings Bank (Development Bonds) Regulations, 1993
- Social Insurance (Benefits) Regulations
- Social Insurance (Contributions) Regulations
- Tax Dispute Resolution Regulations 2019
- Taxation (Savings Income) (Switzerland) Regulations, 2006
- Unemployment Benefit Regulations
- Voluntary Contributors Regulations