Republic of Singapore (Республика Сингапур)
Финансовая деятельность и финансовые рынки
Основные нормативно-правовые акты, входящие в СПС WBL
- Accountants Act
- Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Act
- Accounting Standards Act
- Audit Act
- Banking Act
- Bills of Exchange Act
- Bills of Sale Act
- Business Trusts Act
- Central Provident Fund Act
- Debtors Act
- Deposit Insurance Act
- Development Fund Act
- Exchange Control Act
- External Loans Act
- Financial Holding Companies Act 2013
- Financial Procedure Act
- Government Securities Act
- Insurance Act
- Loans (International Banks) Act
- Monetary Authority of Singapore Act
- Money-Changing and Remittance Businesses Act
- Public Trustee Act
- Securities and Futures Act
- Trust Companies Act
- Trustees Act